How We Help the Dying Transition

Every death has meaning. Let us help you find yours.

We understand that death can be scary for many. Our goal is to ease your anxiety, calm your mind, and help you realize the legacy you've built for future generations.

Comfort & Support

A study conducted by the University of Cambridge, published in The Lancet, found that end-of-life doulas can provide a substantial amount of comfort and support to terminally ill patients.

Comfort and support are the two most important things that end-of-life doulas can provide. Doulas may provide comfort by walking alongside someone through a difficult time, sitting with them as they write their last will & testament, or just being there to listen. At Sacred Transitions, we offer hands-on care through Reiki Therapy and Guided Mediations.

Help with End-of-Life Planning

End-of-life doulas can provide caregiving relief by offering companionship and a sense of stability, as well as providing the dying with comfort through activities such as massage and reiki. By avoiding caregiver fatigue and easing the workload of family members and friends, end-of-life doulas can help to ease the stress on the dying's final moments.

Legacy Support

At Sacred Transition, we are also able to offer legacy planning assistance for patients, including creating a living will and discussing details of the funeral. This includes talking about what music they would want to be played at their vigil or funeral. Through legacy planning assistance for patients, we can help them discover the purpose of their life.

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